Easy-to-use PivotTables

What’s new in Microsoft Office Excel 2007

In Office Excel 2007, PivotTables are much easier to use than in earlier versions of Excel. By using the new PivotTable user interface, the information that you want to view about your data is just a few clicks away—you no longer have to drag data to drop zones that aren’t always an easy target. Instead, you can simply select the fields that you want to see in a new PivotTable field list.

And after you create a PivotTable, you can take advantage of many other new or improved features to summarize, analyze, and format your PivotTable data.

Using Undo in PivotTables   You can now undo most actions that you take to create or rearrange a PivotTable.

Plus and minus drill-down indicators   These indicators are used to indicate whether you can expand or collapse parts of the PivotTable to see more or less information.

Sorting and filtering   Sorting is now as simple as selecting an item in the column that you want to sort and using sort buttons. You can filter data by using PivotTable filters, such as Greater than, Equals, or Contains.

Conditional formatting   You can apply conditional formatting to an Office Excel 2007 Pivot Table by cell or by intersection of cells.

PivotTable style and layout   Just like you can for Excel tables and charts, you can quickly apply a predefined or custom style to a PivotTable. And changing the layout of a PivotTable is also much easier to do in the new user interface.

PivotCharts   Like PivotTables, PivotCharts are much easier to create in the new user interface. All of the filtering improvements are also available for PivotCharts. When you create a PivotChart, specific PivotChart tools and context menus are available so that you can analyze the data in the chart. You can also change the layout, style, and format of the chart or its elements the same way that you can for a regular chart. In Office Excel 2007, the chart formatting that you apply is preserved when you make changes to the PivotChart, which is an improvement over the way it worked in earlier versions of Excel.