How to Create Your Own Excel Formulas to Utilize chatGPT’s Magic


Excel’s potential stretches far beyond traditional spreadsheets. It can evolve into a personalized tool that caters to your unique needs. One exciting route to tailor your Excel experience is by crafting your own formulas with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). In this guide, we’ll embark on a journey of concocting custom Excel formulas that harness the power of OpenAI’s chatGPT API.

Excel VBA Functions: The Gateway to Your World of Customization

Unleash the Developer Tab:

Before diving into the world of crafting custom formulas, you must activate the “Developer” tab within Excel. Just head to File > Options > Customize Ribbon, and tick the “Developer” option.

Constructing Your chatGPT-Infused Formula

Unveiling chatGPT:

chatGPT, a creation of OpenAI, is a language model designed to generate human-like text based on prompts. With your own Excel formula, you can tap directly into chatGPT’s capabilities, transforming your spreadsheet into a hub of creativity and innovation.

The Formula-Building Process:

Crafting a custom formula named CHAT_GPT for generating text through the chatGPT API is easier than it sounds. Follow these steps to infuse your Excel world with AI-driven magic:

  1. Access the VBA Editor: Press ALT + F11 to crack open the VBA editor.
  2. Module Creation: Click Insert > Module to craft a new module.
  3. Integrate VBA Code: Copy and paste the following VBA code snippet into the module:
Function CHAT_GPT(prompt As String) As String
    Dim apiKey As String
    Dim apiUrl As String
    Dim http As Object
    Dim responseText As String
    Dim result As String

    ' Set your API key (remember to secure your API key)
    apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"

    ' Construct the API URL
    apiUrl = ""

    ' Create HTTP request object
    Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")

    ' Make API request
    http.Open "POST", apiUrl, False
    http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
    http.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey

    ' Construct request body
    Dim requestBody As String
    requestBody = "{""messages"": [{""role"": ""system"", ""content"": ""You are a helpful assistant.""}, {""role"": ""user"", ""content"": """ & prompt & """}]}"

    http.send requestBody

    ' Get response
    responseText = http.responseText

    ' Parse JSON response to get the generated text
    Dim json As Object
    Set json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(responseText)

    result = json("choices")(1)("message")("content")

    ' Clean up
    Set http = Nothing
    Set json = Nothing

    CHAT_GPT = result
End Function
  1. Preserve and Exit: Save the module and exit the VBA editor.

Embracing Your Custom chatGPT Formula

  1. Return to Excel: Head back to your Excel worksheet.
  2. Formula Entry: In a cell, type =CHAT_GPT("Lookup last records from Sheet2 as per range F2 value").
  3. Witness the Magic: Press Enter and witness the wonder – a unique story spawned by chatGPT based on your prompt.

Obtaining Your chatGPT API Key

To integrate chatGPT into your Excel world, you’ll need an API key. Here’s how to obtain one:

  1. OpenAI Account: Create or log in to your OpenAI account.
  2. API Access: Navigate to the API section within your account settings.
  3. API Key Generation: Generate an API key tailored for your project’s needs.
  4. Key Safeguarding: Safeguard your API key as you would any sensitive information – avoid hardcoding it into public code.

The Power of Custom Excel Formulas

By embracing VBA and crafting your own Excel formulas, you unlock boundless realms of customization and automation. With chatGPT integration, you can seamlessly infuse AI-generated text into your spreadsheets, redefining the way you interact with data.

So, when the next challenge arises, remember that your Excel formulas hold untapped potential. With chatGPT and VBA at your disposal, your Excel journey becomes an odyssey of innovation and efficiency. Embrace the potential, and let your creativity flourish. Happy formulating!
